Friday, August 15, 2008

Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

I heard about Randy Pausch's "last lecture" a while back when he was still alive. I finally watched it and am so glad I did. It was inspirational to hear his story of how various childhood dreams manifested in his life... some did and some didn't... and those that did often manifested in ways that he couldn't even have imagined.

Dance video of the day: Korr by sara galan, dancehall workshop ryshuset

Afro-dancehall in Stockholm, Sweden

Anish Kapoor Ascension in São Paulo, Brazil 2007

This video is very evocative and "put together"... I recently saw the current Anish Kapoor exhibit at the Institute for Contemporary Art ( and am fascinated by his work. I found this video especially interesting as it pulled in images from the city of Sao Paulo, and the video at times focused just as much on people's responses to the work as the work itself.


This has been my word for the week. I've been paying attention to when things are effortless rather than feeling like I have to struggle to figure things out. I really don't believe in struggle and so if this is my truth, I realize that rather than adding more and more action to my daily routine I "add" inaction. Do less. Think less. Figure out less. Be effortless. Just be.

What reminds me to just "be"?

Paying attention to my breath. Taking deep breaths mindfully.


Any form of movement because it brings me back into my body and literally grounds me.
